Hi Netters,

I had so many requests for my MSWORD–>LaTeX program that I have decided to post it on the network.

This barebones program will compile under Turbo Pascal V5.0

I must acknowledge that some of the screen formatting routines were taken from Jamson & Nameroff (1986) Turbo Pascal Programmer's Library Osbourne McGraw-Hill.

USE —- COMPILE the Pascal Code and run the .exe file. The program will prompt for a MSWORD print file name and an output file name for the translated file. Translation will begin.

The program has limited error checking but should not overwrite existing files and will inform of common DOS errors (eg file not found).

PREPARE WORD files by: 1. setting margins to zero and page width to say 7 inches. Using left justified text also simplifies things. 2. Use print options to select a printer driver such as an Epson FX80. Other Epson drivers will work to varying degrees. You may need to alter the Pascal Code slightly for other Epson printer drivers. 3. Print the document to a file eg. example.txt and use this as the source file for the translation program.

THE TRANSLATION PROGRAM works by interpreting Epson compatible printer codes and translating a limited set of these to appropriate LaTeX code. This approach is limited and cannot easily be used to interprete undelined text; tables etc also present dificulties. But I do have some MSWORD macros to help format basic LaTeX tables.

The present version will cope with:

IBM PC Hi-Ascii characters Special LaTeX characters such as Math characters such as + - Italicized text Bolded text Superscripts and Subscripts Small caps format Characters bolded and to be printed in Epson Large type will be interpreted as